Current Employee

Employees interested in transfer or promotion to positions in other departments:

a. Must have been in his/her current position for a minimum of one year.

b. Must contact Human Resources Employment Services regarding interest in transfer and any specific position(s) that interest them. Human Resources can review with them the position requirements of open MOODY positions and advise the inquiring employee of their potential to be considered along with other candidates.

c. Must confer with his/her immediate supervisor regarding their interest in a transfer—before Human Resource's inclusion of them as a transfer candidate for another position.

View current job openings

Hiring Manager

Recruiting and Interviewing Toolkit for Hiring Managers

This toolkit is designed to provide general information on the Moody Global Ministries hiring process. Recruitment for specific positions such as Faculty or Executive level positions will vary somewhat. For the majority of our hiring situations, however, this Toolkit will help you navigate through to the hire and onboarding of your new employee.

We understand that the hiring process encompasses many areas, so when a position becomes open in your area of responsibility, refer to this Toolkit for the information you need.

Click to download the Toolkit

We have a new recruiting platform known as UKG Pro! Please check it out using the link below.

Steps to using UKG Pro

Sample Interview Questions Sorted by Competency

Here are lists of sample questions grouped by different competencies.  The list is not meant to be all-inclusive. You may use these questions as a starting point to developing your own for the position. As you review these questions, please remember that competencies help to describe “how” work gets accomplished (by engaging knowledge, skills, and abilities).

Click to download Sample Interview Questions

Human Resources Office